Here’s Christopher Ave’s entire post with his amazingly heartbreaking, heartwarming, and heartattackingly great song. You HAVE to listen to it and then run, don’t walk, to his blog and give him  a big smooch. This song ruined — and made — my day:

Copy Editor’s Lament (The Layoff Song)

By Christopher Ave

Copy Editor’s Lament (The Layoff Song)

I’ve never been a copy editor. But I’ve worked with many over the years in my newspaper career, and they strike me as having the most under-appreciated job in the newsroom. And sometimes, with the emphasis in gotta-post-right-now online journalism, I think we’re all forgetting how important their jobs really are.

With all the layoffs, buyouts, furloughs and other horrible things going on in the industry, I decided to write a song from the viewpoint of a copy editor losing his job. The lyrics are fictional, but the sentiments, I’m afraid, are all too common these days.

I hope you enjoy it. Be sure to let me know what you think. Oh, and if anyone wants to know how I recorded it – what hardware and software I used, etc. – just post and I’ll let you know.

NOTE: THE LINK AT THE TOP GOES TO THE SAMPLES PAGE of my website, where the song lives now. It’s the first song on the left-hand side. Thanks!